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Discover how haptic technology is redefining interaction between humans and robots.



At General Haptics we work with applications that require extensive human/robot interaction.  Whether a surgeon needs to accurately make an incision using a surgical robot or an operator is manoeuvring a teleoperated robot over a long distance, the user must be able to easily control the robot.


Haptic technology allows users to take information from the robot's environment through the stimulation of our senses. 



Current robotic control systems are limited in providing useful environmental data to the user.  Often users must rely solely on visual means to infer what the robot is experiencing.  For applications where a robot is  manipulating an object, visual feedback is insufficient.


Haptic technology provides feedback by applying mechanical forces on the user's body.  These forces mimic the sensations that the robot experiences when it manipulates an object.  The user can now use this new feedback to control the robot with a high degree of accuracy.


To learn more about haptic feedback, please refer to our introductory video.




NovoGrip is General Haptics' first generation haptic feedback device.  Essential for applications such as teleoperation and remote manipulation, NovoGrip allows the human user to feel what the robot is holding. 


Click below to learn more about NovoGrip. 

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